- 清空播放記錄
- 是貓先生嗎:配音問題,男二臺灣腔太重,汪植的配音口型對不上 2.男主演技浮夸表情矯揉造作 3.這部劇色調(diào)很奇怪,全部的冷色調(diào)讓人看了難受,特別是一開始的食物。是為了追求高級感嗎? 先給三星,后續(xù)觀望。
- Dr心理:無論是時尚元素還是精神內(nèi)核,都完美地預示了一個Teen-Pop時代的到來。
- 我偏要勉強: most modern and funniest Emma. She is the most flawed (such double standards for Frank Churchill and Jane Fairfax, despite of all three motherless since young) but lovable as always, for she grows and flourishes as always
- 晴窗一日: Rudd in I had se* with my stepbro in Daddy's big old house...
- 白茯苓:賈靜雯你要是被綁架了就眨眨眼,賈靜雯表示生活不易