- 清空播放記錄
- 契時: Lang played one of the most tragic tricks in cinema history in the bank robbing scene. It puts every audience in the position of prejudice, which is exactly what the movie tries to criticize. The brief yet efficient storytelling, the usage of the fog imagery, the prefigurative frogs tale, the no-choice birth of a"femme fatale" and the irreversible tragedy bring great impact on us all.
- 倩倩周:清新健康的女知識分子,果然演出來都是戴安·基頓式的。昔日大國都是一種慘法,文化古董換一時物資
- 充鴨少年:想起一些 “mama i’m in love with a criminal”…二十年前(差點)被陪審團送上電椅,二十年后在陪審團舌戰(zhàn)群儒??一直感覺亨利方達有危險的那一面,五六十年代總演正派角色也很沒勁,后來在西部往事終于過了把癮。Sylvia Sidney笑起來好美!
- 安和:果然對于一個演員的好感主要取決于她扮演的角色。濃妝和皺紋將COX的親和度拉低好多。還算是流暢的故事,年代感一深入的話,好看度就降了。
- 文懷仁:關(guān)繼威( Jonathan Ke Quan),不太看得下去的幼稚大型游樂園電影