- 清空播放記錄
- 囧小陽陽:故事弱智了一點,不知道為啥看到Mr. Link就很想笑
- 小璐ruby:誰年少時沒有做舞臺明星夢呢?when do I get what I want sorry you’re just not what we had to mind.I want to be dancing up on the screen like the pretty girls in the pictures I’m failure,not petty pleasant or friendly I’m not smart funny or confident so I made such a mess of things I don’t know how much more I can take all I really want is to be loved 天生壞種啊
- 借我一生y:完蛋玩應 下一季可以不用拍了
- 夜合灣最靚的仔:吉他當武器還挺厲害的,感覺比折凳猛。
- 睜眼睡覺的貓:比《雪人奇緣》強那么一丟丟吧,主要是認親環(huán)節(jié)有一點顛覆。結尾高潮還比較好玩。