- 清空播放記錄
- 一粒喵白:在動車上不要看釜山行,在飛機上不要看空前絕后滿天飛。還好是在動車上看的空前絕后,不過我已經(jīng)決定以后在飛機上不吃魚了。哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,黑色幽默的觀影感受就是,外表沒有一絲動靜,內心在狂笑。
- 青云悠悠:空鏡頭、固定鏡頭真是深得日本導演的心,輕輕幾筆就很好地傳達了閑適的感覺,看得太舒服了
- 岑羽皓: famous Jewish sport legend, 哈哈哈
- 石景山伯爵:小林聰美的片子看看就覺得在享受余生,那地方真適合我去
- 土逗: I love the little world inside the thick walls of the playhouse, and I'm fond o the people who work in this little world. outside is big world, and sometimes the little world succeeds in reflecting the big one so that we understand it better. or perhaps, we give the people who come here a chance to forget for a while, for a few short moments, the - 我希望有人和我一樣, 想要問一句: 芬妮去哪了