- 清空播放記錄
- 熊斯特洛夫斯基: Best Christmas Movie!難怪每年北美圣誕檔都會大規(guī)模重映這部電影,去年也一度沖上票房榜前十,拿下700萬美元票房。如果要從cynical adult的視角來看,其實是很典型的清教徒價值觀主旋律電影,各種俗套,但細節(jié)到位,尤其斯圖爾特表演得太好了,天使降臨前那段窘迫境遇演得實在令人窒息。如果是十年前的自己肯定會留下不屑的刻薄評價。但隨著年歲增長,越來越感到世事無常,我心里對“好人好報”這種樸素美好的渴望就越發(fā)強烈,就像《安妮日記》里寫得那樣,“為什么他們就不能去當醫(yī)生,而要去殺人呢”。結(jié)局真的很感動,無法不落淚。
- 聽風.: Maiko, somewhere in 2018. I had watched the movie, and she told me that she had been to the places in the movie. We were sleepless as well. I've always liked sleeplessness, defiant agaisnt death, a conscious dream. Irrelevant things and words come up. No time's passing. Solid. But the days are gone, and I miss you. In a movie that I used to like, and all the movies that I used to have liked. In them I miss many things, including the futrue, a dog, and the past. But just like the nights the future will be another's too; Melbournian evenings, streets warm and far away and the river quietly sinking; I dive deep, lights blinking, my white table kills, namelessly, a city's doomed fate.
- 丑包子:沒有氣勢恢弘的戰(zhàn)爭,沒有熱血沸騰的贊歌,德國人用侵略者角度,詮釋著侵略方的渺小個體,依舊是作為人,展露的應有的膽怯,悲傷,無奈,他們也會談及運動,家人,生活,愛情,害怕死亡,他們并不是一味的被納粹洗腦而戰(zhàn)爭,他們有著自己的性格,有著自己心中的小幸福,只是被藏在時光的塵埃中,被大時代淹沒
- 多肉愛吃甜甜圈:兩顆孤獨的心在一座陌生的城市相遇...... 那種若有若無的愛情,不能永久,卻值得回味與珍藏。
- 卷吧卷吧吃啦.:四部同題材中最好的一部。人性的訴求,下坡型反常敘事結(jié)構(gòu),女性符號被刻意扭曲,以及直面戰(zhàn)爭中最直接的現(xiàn)實問題。值得反復看。