- 清空播放記錄
- 那就喵喵喵:闞清子好美。 好多正面角色選的演員很像壞人。 郭濤可能參加綜藝太多了,看他演首長感覺很別扭出戲
- 長胡子的小老祝:明顯簡·奧斯丁既野~~~
- 烏托邦の貓:"You take me & I'll be you""You kill him & I'll kill her" Sonic Youth, Shadow of a doubt Edit: rewatched in 2021. One of Hitchcock's best movies. The merry-go-round scene where they fight as they are spinning around is the most memorable one, along with the one of the murder, reflected through glasses that will turn out to be more important than suspected. The whole movie is the result of great talent
- 玉山白雪飄零:還記得荔枝和李子分不清楚的片段
- 曉來雨過:想看足球?這劇不合適。想看足聯(lián)黑幕,劇里真真假假的劇情還是不錯的。比起面目模糊的各種老男人,幾個女角更有看頭。內(nèi)內(nèi),一出場就像全世界都欠了她似的。麗薩,工資低到買不起按摩棒電池而要睡同事的聯(lián)邦探員。不起眼但把旅行社搞得有聲有色的老太太,罵人不眨眼的女公關(guān)。最后黑了美國一把,也順帶指出普通人的體育狂熱,各種自豪感,不過是少數(shù)人的搖錢樹而已。