- 清空播放記錄
- 逆鱗-:海賊王還沒完結(jié) 可我已經(jīng)過了那個階段了
- 假裝是只桃:封閉空間的三人對峙,對真相、暴政、道德的追問,張力十足。
- 馬莉叔:真希望動畫停更,快趕上漫畫你就停更鴨,到時出個第二季依然會支持,動畫組真的別在敗人品了,你這每周出的那一集真的是一點意義都沒有,要畫面沒畫面,要內(nèi)容沒內(nèi)容,要什么沒什么,好好的作品水成什么樣子,2倍速看都嫌慢
- 篤念|前行: last film of 2022."you'll never get it if you dont slow down my friend","but they are all the same","they are all the same, but each one is different from the other one, you got bright mornings, you got dark mornings, summer light, autumn light, weekdays, weekends, same or different people, sometimes different people come back, and sometimes same people disappear, each day the sun heats the earth at a different angle"
- 爆炒肥肉:看了50幾回實在是喜歡不起來·····